Parents » Incoming Freshmen Information

Incoming Freshmen Information

Incoming Freshmen Information
This page contains resources that benefit those that are, or are interested in attending Diamond Ranch High next school year. If you are a current 8th grader in our feeder school, Lorbeer Middle School, your student is automatically enrolled to Diamond Ranch next school year. For those not currently enrolled in Lorbeer (ie: not enrolled within our Cluster 4 boundary), you can find information on how to enroll at Diamond Ranch by contacting PUSD Pupil Services. Much of the information found on this site is presented in our annual "Incoming Freshmen Night", usually scheduled in the early Spring. If you are interested in basic information about our school, a great place to start is by looking through the Principal's welcome address [SLIDES].
NOTE: For more information about our overall Academic program as well as information on Activities or Athletics, check out our Course Handbook [LINK] or Student Handbook [LINK]

Informational Resource Links
  • 9th Grade Registration: Filling out the Registration Form [SLIDES] (Counselors & Administration)
  • High School Athletics [WEBSITE] DR’s Athletic Director previews high school sports and addresses your questions. (Dennis Dunn, Athletic Director)
  • Running, Throwing, Jumping into College – What High School Freshmen Athletes Need to Know About the NCAA [SLIDES] Being a great athlete is only part of playing in college. The NCAA has rigorous requirements for playing in a four-year college or university, with or without a scholarship. If your goal is to play college sports, the journey begins on the first day of 9th grade. Find out what you need to know to make that goal a reality.
  • Tools for High School…and College Success – AVID [SLIDES] 16% of high school students nationwide do NOT graduate. 33% of high school graduates nationwide do NOT attend college. 41% of students admitted to college nationwide do NOT graduate from college. How can you be part of the 59% who graduate from high school and college? Master the skills for high school and college success in the AVID program. (Thomas Castiglione, AVID Coordinator)
  • I want to be a Panther, but my den is not in Cluster IV [CONTACT] I would like to attend DR, but I don’t live in PUSD and/or the DR geographic region. What is the process? When does it start? Where do I get the paperwork? (Cesar Casarrubias, PUSD Director of Pupil Resources)